Salesforce B2C Commerce On-Demand Sandboxes #notes #sfcc

3 min readOct 26, 2022



With Salesforce B2C Commerce on-demand sandboxes,

  • Innovate quickly
  • Increase developer productivity
  • Move faster with continuous integration and delivery

up to 47 standard (POD-based) sandboxes per realm can be configured (similar to a Salesforce Org), and only five are automatically included when the site is provisioned.

What About On-Demand Sandboxes?

They resemble POD sandboxes but with these added features.

  • public cloud.
  • integrated into the Account Manager role and permission handling.
  • self-service via API or a community-based SFCC-CI.
  • can use OCAPI and WebDAV settings as parameters when creating them.
  • can define a time to live (TTL)

On-demand sandboxes make life a lot easier. Here’s what we can do.

  • get a sandbox in minutes
  • to create as many sandboxes as needed
  • use a sandbox in a CI/CD development process
  • expand the usage as required
  • control costs
  • go international

on-demand sandboxe scan be ordered through their Salesforce account executive (AE).

On-demand sandboxes are usage-based

For now, partners can only access credits on merchant on-demand sandboxes.

Here’s how credits work.

  • create (1 credit/minute)
  • stop (0.3 credits/minute)
  • delete
  • To make a copy of the usage calculator, open the calculator and click File > Make a Copy.
  • new on-demand sandboxes don’t contain storefront data.
  • you can’t directly migrate code and data from a POD-based sandbox to an on-demand sandbox, but you can export data and code from a POD sandbox and then use the On-Demand Sandbox API to import the data and code into an on-demand sandbox.
  • only account administrators for the primary organization can manage the user’s account.
  • the most important role is Sandbox API User. Users assigned to this role can create on-demand sandboxes and consume credits. Users given this role are considered on-demand sandbox administrators.
  • Vpods do not support on-demand sandboxes. Account Manager on a vpod does not have the Sandbox API User role.
  • OCAPI requires that each client have a client ID.
  • you must append this ID to the URLs you use to interact with OCAPI.
  • users with Account Administrator or API Administrator roles can manage API client IDs (also called API keys).

on-demand sandbox administrators and developers use these tools to create, start, stop, remove, and manage sandboxes in their realm.

  • REST API: exposed in a Swagger user interface (UI)
  • Community-based command line interface (CLI): part of the Commerce Cloud Community Suite on GitHub. (You must have GitHub credentials).

REST API can run below actions:

  • for general-purpose API endpoints
  • at the realm level
  • at the sandbox level

Here are some of the functions that can be performed on CLI.

  • OAuth2 interactive and headless authentication (no Business Manager user needed)
  • create, start, stop and remove on-demand sandboxes
  • configure multiple instances, including aliasing
  • deploy code and data with code version management
  • execute and monitor system jobs
  • execute and monitor custom jobs
  • connect via WebDAV




I often describe myself as a software professional having the mindset to break things but the toolset to create and restore.